• Apple Stuff,  IPad

    iPad Camera Connection Kit

    Today I have been playing around with the iPad camera connection kit to see how it would work with photos and movies. After seeing quite a bit on the Internet I wanted to find out exactly what was true and so I set to work to find out. First can you access a USB drive with the camera kit, answer yes. You have to do 2 things to get this to work. First format the USB key as fat.Second place a single folder DCIM on the drive, then all you need to do is place your photos in this folder and when you plug it into the iPad it will…

  • Apple Stuff,  IPad

    iPad 2 cover

    One of the dilemmas once you have bought your new flash iPad is which cover should you buy to protect it? Apple have come out with a new magnetic cover which turns the iPad on and off when you open it, but like a lot of people I had some concerns, yes it does a job of protecting the screen but then nice shinny back was open to damage. I therefore wanted something more protective and it was at this point that I found the STM skinny iPad cover, this cover is really brilliant, it has a hard plastic cover that the iPad clips into to protect the back as…

  • Apple Stuff,  General

    Welcome to the dark side

    Yes the tussle between Microsoft and Apple has been blurred even further with the buying of my iPad 2.After years of resisting I have been persuaded to shell out some cash,which in some part is due to Microsofts lack of competing products. Even Android has more interesting offerings in this market space which really shows how Microsoft has basically given up to date. The main deciding factor in the end was the overwhelming amount of apps Apple has been able to accumulate, there really does seem to be an “App for that” and after spending my first week with my new iPad 2 I have to say I am very…

  • General,  Home

    Front Fence

    Current ongoing project is my front fence, I have decided that a wooden picket fence would be a worthy addition so construction started early April. fence has been going well and is close to completion although changes in the design has seen an under estimation of pickets so work has currently stopped while new pickets are bought and then painted. Considering the early winter temperatures are not really conducive to painting things may take a little longer than first though. Below is a link on the progress so far. Fence is 17 meters long and there is about 160 pickets.

  • General,  Home

    Patio Enclosing

    Thought i would upload some photos of my recent project of enclosing my patio end with Laserlite. I have removed the tired wooden lattice that was here when I bought my place and created a new wall including a new lockable door which has been covered with the wind and water proof cladding. It is amazing the temperature difference now that the area is wind proofed I have seen a 4 deg difference between inside to out on my temperature gauges.