

  • Apple Stuff,  IPad

    iPad Camera Connection Kit

    Today I have been playing around with the iPad camera connection kit to see how it would work with photos and movies. After seeing quite a bit on the Internet I wanted to find out exactly what was true and so I set to work to find out. First can you access a USB drive with the camera kit, answer yes. You have to do 2 things to get this to work. First format the USB key as fat.Second place a single folder DCIM on the drive, then all you need to do is place your photos in this folder and when you plug it into the iPad it will…

  • Apple Stuff,  IPad

    iPad 2 cover

    One of the dilemmas once you have bought your new flash iPad is which cover should you buy to protect it? Apple have come out with a new magnetic cover which turns the iPad on and off when you open it, but like a lot of people I had some concerns, yes it does a job of protecting the screen but then nice shinny back was open to damage. I therefore wanted something more protective and it was at this point that I found the STM skinny iPad cover, this cover is really brilliant, it has a hard plastic cover that the iPad clips into to protect the back as…